
floating astronaut

Hello, I'm Brandon Mikowski

<Front End Developer>

Hello, I'm Brandon Mikowski

<Front End Developer>


HTML5 logo CSS3 logo JavaScript logo
React logo Redux logo Firebase logo
VSCode logo Git logo GitHub logo
Canva logo RestAPI logo Jamstack logo
NodeJS logo Express logo MongoDB logo


HTML5 logo CSS3 logo JavaScript logo
React logo Redux logo Firebase logo
VSCode logo Git logo GitHub logo
Canva logo RestAPI logo Jamstack logo
NodeJS logo Express logo MongoDB logo


Live Preview

GoTo Users API

  • A simple and easy to use restful API for generating user data.

  • Includes a documentation page with examples and a live preview.

JavaScript | HTML | CSS | MongoDB | Mongoose | Express | Axios | Heroku

Live Preview

Reddit For You

  • Reddit For You is a web app that allows users to browse a simplified version of Reddit.

  • Paginated results and lazy loading are used to improve the user experience.

React | Redux | JSON | Jest | JS | HTML | CSS

Live Preview


  • MindLess is a web app that allows users to create and manage their own to-do list.

  • Users create a routine to complete daily tasks and can track their progress using timestamps.

React | Firebase | JS | HTML | CSS

Live Preview

Pathfinding Visualizer

  • An interactive visualizer that allows users to explore different pathfinding algorithms.

  • Customizable grid density & speeds are available for further tinkering.

JavaScript | HTML | CSS

Live Preview

When is Elon Pooping?

  • Implements the Twitter API with Chart.js library to create graphs of Elon's tweets.

  • Found out when Elon is Pooping.

JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Rest API | Chart.js

Live Preview

Busy Bee Window Cleaning

  • Sample brochure style website for a local window cleaning business.

  • Clean and responisive design.

JavaScript | HTML | CSS

Live Preview

Tic Tac Toe

  • Tic-Tac-Toe with an AI that plays flawlessly.

  • Difficulty options if you get tired of getting your ass beat never winning.

  • Looks great on mobile.

JavaScript | HTML | CSS

Live Preview

Weather Guesser

  • Weather Guessing game that uses realtime weather from the OpenWeather API.

  • Has multiple options and difficulty levels.

  • Implements dynamic Google maps.

JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Rest API

Mobile Ready

  • Large displays and mobile devices welcome.

  • I enjoy the challenge of adapting to different screen sizes.

  • User experience is a priority.